Hard vs Difficult
A dear friend asked me recently
“How is the business doing? More importantly, how are you doing?”
I responded, “This is hard, man. Really hard. I knew it would be, but I had forgotten how hard it is to build a new business.”
I ignored his “how are you doing” question.
He admonished, “I was more interested in and concerned about you. How are YOU doing?”
I looked at him as I pondered what to say.
“I have good days and not-so-good days,” as I attempted to skirt the heart discussion and move on.
My evasive tactics didn’t work.
After a while of talking from the heart, we switched gears and he went into coach mode.
“I want to challenge you to stop using the word ‘hard’.”
Okay. “Why is that?” I asked inquisitively.
“‘Hard’ can be an emotionally negative word tied to ‘can’t’,” he answered.
“Never thought of it that way before. Makes sense,” I replied after pondering.
Just like that, the coach is coached…and I am grateful!
Grateful for my friend who cared enough to poke me in the chest to help me be better.
Grateful for a new learning and insight that I had not considered before.
Grateful that I have one less word in my personal dictionary :)
Reminds me of Proverbs 27:6 (NCV), “The slap [rebuke] of a friend can be trusted to help you, but the kisses of an enemy are nothing but lies.”
I am reminded on a consistent basis that I need:
And I need people.
I need reminding that I am on a difficult journey to:
Become a better version of myself today than yesterday
Build a business that God called me to over 3 decades ago
Be faithful in my being, becoming, belonging, and doing
How about you? Do you have any words you need to purge from your personal dictionary?
The bottom-line: may we all seek to have friends that are courageous enough to poke us in the chest, to make us better.