Go Together


I have been to Africa 27 times.

I spent most of my time in the wonderful country of Tanzania but I have been to many other African countries as well.

It took me much time to get used to the rhythm of life, the culture, the practices, and the pace in East Africa.

Here are two of my biggest learning experiences in Africa.

First. Relationship first, then business. It is too easy to jump into the topic, or the “purpose for the meeting,” and forget a foundational principle: people. We are all people, with dreams, challenges, fears, desires, and struggles–with much to learn, grow, experience, rough edges to refine, focus to hone, and humility to adopt.

Second. An African proverb that I heard on my first trip, but didn’t learn to appreciate until many years later: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

I love to go fast. Get to the destination as quickly as possible! Why? So I can get to the next destination as quickly as possible…and then the next one…and the next one…

Sounds like a hamster on a wheel, or me on a treadmill–stirring up a lot of dust and activity but, in reality, not really making much progress. But it feels good to go fast!

I move much slower these days, not because I have to, but because I want to. Now, I take the time to hear someone’s story, even if we don’t get to the “purpose” of the meeting; I take the time to build relationship, even at the cost of speed–especially at the cost of speed!

I would rather go slower, go together and go farther…than I would go fast, alone, and wonder where the hell I am most of the time!

How about you? Do you prefer fast and alone? Or do you prefer slow and together?

The bottom-line: may we all focus on what is truly important in life–Love God. Love Others. Go Together. Go Far.


Hard vs Difficult


The Extra Mile