On Faith
“Keep the Faith!”
“Have more Faith!”
“Where’s your Faith?”
Have you ever been told or asked this?
I have been thinking about “faith” lately:
What is it?
Why is it important?
How do you get more of it?
Why do you lose it?
In Matthew 17 and verse 20, Jesus said, “...if you have faith like a grain of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
I don’t know about you, but I have not seen any mountains get up and move locations recently. Does this mean nobody has any faith? Obviously, I jest!.
So what do these words really mean? What is “faith”?
The best definition of faith I have heard recently came from my friend and spiritual director when we talked about gratitude, faith, trust, humility, and several other topics. This is what he shared:
“Faith = Belief + Trust”
Belief is the ‘head’ part of the equation; Trust is the ‘heart’ part.
Faith is not purely believing in something; it is trusting that something will happen.
For example, take a chair. I believe that a chair is constructed in such a way that it will hold me up and not crumple when I sit in it. Trust is putting that belief in motion, taking action, and plopping down. Faith is the sum of both; however, one without the other is not actually faith.
The journey of the last few years has been full of opportunities to be faithful. And it has been full of opportunities to lose faith as well!
Lately, I have been reminded that God is more interested in my character and full dependence and surrender to Him than He is in what I accomplish or if I am successful by human definition and standards.
Have there been times that I have wanted to abandon this journey, throw my hands up, say, “Screw it,” and do something else? More times than I care to admit; however, but for the grace and love of an all-powerful, all-knowing, loving, and caring God, I did not.
The most powerful words that I have been learning to pray over the last few months–and mean it, rather than just give lip service to it–is:
“Not my will, Jesus, but Yours be done.” When I first started praying that, I would quickly follow it up with, “That is where I desire to be, but I am not there yet…I am just not there yet.”
By faith–believing and trusting, God has slowly moved me to pray and mean it.
What does that mean practically? Does that mean that all my dreams have come true, I am living the fairy tale, and experiencing my “happily ever after”? No; however, it does mean this:
I am less worried.
I am less anxious.
I am less fearful.
I trust more.
I believe more.
I have a deeper faith.
The view through the rearview mirror is a few inches, but the view through the windscreen is a few feet. It is important to look back to see progress, promises kept, blessings given, and provisions provided; looking back strengthens my faith. It is also important to look forward to seeing the opportunities and the journey ahead; looking forward strengthens my faith.
How about you? Where have you struggled to believe? How about trusting?
The bottom-line: belief + trust = faith.
During this Christmas season, let’s take a little time to look in the rearview mirror to see the progress, blessings, promises kept, provisions made–and be grateful; and let’s take a little time to see the journey ahead. May your belief and trust be strengthened, and may your faith be more resolute!
I pray you have a blessed Christmas, and I pray for God’s richest blessings upon you as you enter a new year!