On Jospeh
Even after reading through the Bible nearly a dozen times, I am amazed at what new lessons and insights I learn each time I read all the way through it.
One of my favorite stories is the story of Joseph, whom I just finished reading about this morning.
Joseph: second to youngest son of Jacob and Rachel; however, of all of Jacob’s children, Joseph was his favorite…and everyone knew it.
Out of jealousy and envy, Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery.
Joseph wound up in Egypt as a slave for a wealthy Centurion, was falsely accused, thrown into jail, and eventually ascended to the number 2 position in all of Egypt.
The story is remarkable, but what is more remarkable to me is all of this was done so that God could save His people during the 7 years of famine and eventually set the table for Moses to lead them out of Egypt.
Without Joseph, what would have happened to God’s people? While I am sure He would have made another way, Joseph was the way He chose.
And when Joseph finally saw his brothers again, he forgave them freely and fully…after he messed with them for a little while :).
I absolutely love Joseph’s words to his brothers, “What you intended for evil, God intended for good!”
How often do I lose sight of God’s working and direction in my life because I lose focus, my mental dialogue spirals and I forget my purpose? When I give in to worry and anxiety, I suffer the consequences by losing sleep, having a churning gut, and closing myself off from God and from the people who love me, whom He has surrounded me with.
Joseph is an inspiration for me: sold as a slave by his brothers…he trusted God; in prison for something he did not do…he trusted God.
God provides–Jehovah Jireh–and God is there–Jehovah Shammah.
May we experience His provision and His presence this day!